OC Women2Women is hosting the annual Woman of The Year Luncheon, honoring Bonni Pomush, Chief Executive Officer, Working Wardrobes. The event is an opportunity to celebrate the women in your life; your colleagues, family, and friends.
Guests will enjoy the good food, entertainment, and shared friendships. Everyone is encouraged to wear their most fashionable hats for the hat contest.
The recent OCW2W "Wellnes Event", took attendees on a meditative visualization journey to their future selves and dreams. Next, guests narrowed down their two greatest core values, and creatively shared them on personal heart art projects. Everyone left with a smile of hope and filled with ideas to move forward.
Thank you to OCW2W Board Member, Lisa Berman, for making this event possible. All proceeds go to support Los Angeles families in need of post-fire support.
Supporting Thomas House Family Shelter
"We extend our heartfelt gratitude to this year's donors for making the 2024 food drive an outstanding success," stated OC Women2Women President Karen King.
With over $3,000 worth of food delivered to Grandma's House of Hope, the staff was genuinely thrilled to receive the vital contributions in preparation for their push to make a bountiful Thanksgiving possible for families in Orange County.
Over 85 individuals came together at the OC Women2Women Mother of the Year Luncheon to pay tribute to Sahar Hanna for her decades of community leadership. As the proud mother of three children, Sahar is passionate about service and inspiring others. The annual event celebrated the vital role of women, in our society.
The event supported Laura's House of Hope, a non-profit organization that is a beacon of hope in the fight against domestic violence.
Striving to empower other women with confidence as they seek success in the workplace, non-profits OC Women2Women and Working Wardrobes partnered to sponsor a luncheon and Fashion Trend Event at Fashion Island’s Neiman Marcus . Guests clothing donations supported the Working Wardrobes career development program.
OCW2W hosted a luncheon featuring Martin Wheeler, world-renowned expert in highly effective combat solutions, who shared strategic self-defense tips to empower women. The event also included great food, and amazing entertainment, all supporting Laura's House, Domestic Violence Shelter. Over $1,500 of in-kind The following day Martin Wheeler held a special workshop to empower women with physical confidence and self-defense knowledge. He generously shared a percentage of his earnings with OCW2W.
The OC Women2Women’s May 10th annual Mother’s Day luncheon and fundraiser honored Antoinette Naddour as the 2023 Mother of the Year. 100 people attended the special event focused on celebrating women and the influence they have in our world.
As a devoted mother of two teenage sons and Executive Director and Co-Founder of Veterans Legal Institute (VLI), "Antoinette is an inspiration to us all," said Karen Butera King, President, OC Women2Women. As designated by Antoinette Naddour, proceeds from the OCW2W luncheon will be donated to Maronite Sisters of the Holy Family to benefit low-income women and children who survived the August 2020 Beirut explosion, which displaced over 300,000 people, including at least 80,000 children
With the support and incredible generosity of our OCW2W community, we delivered over 100 "Bags of Love" filled with essentials and unique personal gifts, bringing light into the lives of women served at Grandma's House of Hope. The lovely gift bags were stuffed with over $8,000.00 of donated items such as lotion, perfume, blankets, shampoo, socks, and even coats, to help warm the hearts of women in need living in our community.
The room at Fleming's 'Restaurant was packed with women gathered for the OCW2W Lunch Club event honoring Nadine Haddad, co-founder of Home and Body Company. Nadine inspired the group with her personal story of strength, struggling and surviving while building her company and raising a family.
Sign up to hear from us about upcoming events, or opportunities to support our efforts to inspire, empower, and invest in the lives of under-served women.